Saturday, September 17, 2011

Steelers claim they were victims of illegal Ravens? chop blocks

Ravens fans, prepare to call the Steelers a bunch of crybaby losers. Steelers fans, reach for the trusty old notion that you're the most persecuted team in the league. The Steelers feel like the Ravens took some liberties with illegal chop blocks in their 35-7 pounding on Sunday.

Before we get to the complaining, let's go to the videotape. Casey Hampton claims he was chopped by Marshall Yanda on the first play from scrimmage (and all day long, for that matter). On that first play, Ray Rice broke off 36 yards. Hampton is No. 98. Yanda, the Ravens left guard, is No. 73. Observe.

Yeah, that's a chop block. Hampton is clearly engaged with the center, Matt Birk, when Yanda takes a dive at his knees. That's your textbook chop block.

Here's more from the Steelers:

"Some of the things they were doing were questionable rules wise and dangerous," nose tackle Chris Hoke said.


Even the Steelers' offensive line employs cut blocks on occasion, usually on specific run plays or quick-hitting pass plays. "Not to the extent that (the Ravens) did," [Steelers defensive end Aaron] Smith said.

Well, of course not, because the Ravens are big, dirty cheaters and the Steelers are noble-hearted downy innocents who cast a scornful eye only when liberty itself is being threatened.

I don't mean to minimize the impact of the accusations here, because chop blocking is real, it happens, and it's dangerous. And yes, the Ravens do it. So do a lot of teams. It absolutely does need to be policed just as aggressively as blows to the head. If Pittsburgh's comments draw more attention to the problem, then good.

But I think it's way more likely that this devolves into a "'You cheat!' 'No, YOU cheat!'" type of argument. That's way easier and more fun. And besides, the Steelers did lose 35-7, and when you lose like that, postgame bellyaching, even if it's right, always just feels like whining.

Gracias, PFT.


Montell Owens Jalen Parmele Cedric Peerman Adrian Peterson

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